
Friday, January 27, 2012

Three Little Kittens

I love mittens, and today is a mitten day! So, here are my three little kittens, who lost their mittens, found their mittens, ate pie in their mittens and got them dirty, and washed their mittens to make mother dear happy.

I start with just the plain kittens on the flannelboard, then when they find their mittens, I put them on their front paws and give them their pie. The pictures below are the kittens, in their mittens, with goo from the pie on them.

Then I take off the mittens, remove the goo from the pie (just little pink blods cut out of felt), and hang them on the line to dry.

I know you can find this rhyme just about anywhere and it may be one of those things that many of us just know, but I found the words very nicely typed out on, you have to register for the site, but they have tons of lyrics for all kinds of songs.


  1. Today is definitely a mitten day! Thanks for reminding us of this storytime classic.

  2. I wish I had time to make this for my storytime next Tuesday-- I'm using this song with the hand motions from Kimbo's Nursery Rhyme Time cd, but this flannel would be a great way to teach the rhyme first. BTW...How are the dust bunny tutorials coming along?

  3. Those kittens are very cute, and look great! Thanks for the web recommendation; I'll have to check it out.

  4. I love your idea of having the clothesline to dry their mittens on! Very sweet!

  5. Absolutely adorable little kittens!

    How do you do your details on the felt? I tried puffy paint today and I was so frustrated that I left off the smaller details. :-(

  6. The kittens are adorable. The power of Sharpie!?! I like the mittens on the line too! Nice.

  7. sorry - it's been a crazy busy week (felt like Friday since Tuesday) I used a thin sharpie to do the details on the kitten and some colored sharpies for their noses and bows. I cut out the shape of the kittens and then taped the pattern of the kitten to a sunny window so I could trace the details, the kittens aren't actually felt, they are pieces of white flannel. Probably should have included all that in my description :)

  8. Thanks for all these fun story time ideas! I need to work on some of this so I appreciate the resources!
