This flannel board came out of Puppet & Flannelboard Stories for Seasons and Holidays by Teacher Created Materials, and is a spin-off of Brown Bear, Brown Bear. I actually got this from a former supervisor, and I believe the pattern for the turkey and the feathers were both in the book. However, if you aren't able to get a hold of the book you can Google a turkey and feather image.

(I made more feathers than was needed; I must have gotten a little carried away.)
The rhyme goes like this:
"White feather, white feather, what do you see?" (place the white feather on the turkey's back)
"I see a gold feather next to me." (place the gold feather on the turkey's back)
"Gold feather, gold feather, what do you see?"
… and it goes on from there with which ever color feathers you would like to use.
Short and sweet – and nice to use with a Thanksgiving themed storytime.
This is an easy way to do this! The ones I know have complicated rhyming verses.