"I made myself a snowball as perfect as can be.
I thought I'd keep it as a pet and let it sleep with me.
I thought I'd keep it as a pet and let it sleep with me.
I made it some pajamas and a pillow for its head.
But late last night it went away but first it wet the bed!"
(giggle - giggle - giggle)
This flannelboard is still in the developmental stages, hasn't been tested during storytime yet, but I think my plan will work. First, I made myself a snowball (out of white felt), and I plan to place it on the flannel board before storytime starts, so that hiding underneath it is a puddle of melted snow (out of light blue felt). As we sing the song I will give the snowball some pajamas, a pillow for his head and tuck him up in a blanket. I plan to put some scotch tape on the inside of the blanket, so it sticks to the pajamas and on the inside of the pajamas, so they stick to the snow ball. Then when the snowball goes away and I lift up the blanket, the pajamas and the snowball will be stuck to the inside of the blanket and the only thing left on the flannelboard will be a puddle of melted snow. Below are some pictures of my pieces and the process:
"I made myself a snowball as perfect as can be.
I thought I'd keep it as a pet and let it sleep with me."
(underneath the snowball is a blue felt puddle of melted snow)
"... and a pillow for it's head."
(not the best picture, but there is a yellow pillow under there - better seen in person)

"But late last night it went away but first it wet the bed!"
(when I pull up the blanket, with the tape the pajamas and snowball are stuck to it and all that is left is this little puddle of melted snow - again not the best picture, better seen in person and on a different color background)

And that is "I made myself a snowball", which goes through my head constantly these days :)
Lovely! Your pieces illustrate and enhance the rhyme so well! I'll probably have to steal it, thanks.
This is a poem by Shel Silverstein from his collection Falling Up. Great flannel board idea.
This is great! I think I will have to make this one. I love using poetry in storytime, and making it into a flannel is a brilliant idea. **off to find some Emily Dickinson to flannelize***
They do themes at my new library and are sick of snow, so I might have to save this for when I get to do a snow-themed storytime. I can see the kids getting tickled because the snowball "wet the bed".
I love that poem, what a great idea for a felt story.
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